12-Point Resonator

3-Hole Resonator

Crystal Catalyst Bead

Smog Buster Tab


Crystal Catalyst Bead

Catalyst Beads, Tabs, Toroids, 3-Hole and 12-Point Resonators have a unique composition and structure which allows them to absorb and then re-broadcast harmful electromagnetic radiation in a cleaner form. They are dielectric resonators made from space age materials. Their molecular structure resonates to alter the frequencies of most harmful environmental radiation, causing the damaging effects to be neutralized.

These products are neither electrical nor magnetic, but have a different energy which does not harm electromagnetic equipment or discs. Beads, Tabs, Toroids, 3-Hole and 12-Point Resonators are designed to neutralize annoying radiation levels from word processors, computers and TV screens, florescent lights, telephone receivers, automobile electronics, power line transformers and most electronic devices.

Beads and 12-Point Resonators emit diffuse energy in all directions. Tabs, Toroids, 3-Hole Resonators and Cell Phone Tabs emit directional energy in a triangular cone from the underside. Place on or near what is to be cleared. Select according to the strength required for the job - Tabs for most appliances, Toroids for appliances with strong or unsettling energy, 3-Hole Resonators for water heaters, minitowers, scanners, Star 3-Hole Resonators for appliances that operate with radio waves, Cellular Tabs for cellular phones. Their effectiveness can be measured chemically, photographically, with biofeedback and muscle testing. Commuters who wear a bead report increased alertness and reduced jet lag.

Because of gamma radiation and the close proximity of the operator, we suggest computer users wear a Catalyst Bead, and place an Electronic Smog Buster G-33, Tab, Toroid or 3-Hole Resonator on the computer video display and on the mini-tower. At our office, we wear Beads, we have a 3-Hole Resonator on the mini-tower and a Toroid on the monitor. We also placed a Toroid on our laser printer and a 3-Hole Toroid on the photocopier.